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Group by…..Having Clause

Group By:- Group By clauses is used to groups rows based on the distinct values of the specified columns.

The syntax of the Group by clause is:-
  Select column1, column2, column3, aggregate_function(expression )
           From TableName Where (condition)
           Group By Column1, column2, column3

For Example, suppose we have a table named EmpInfo which contains the information about the Id of the employee and the Id of the project and it contains the following data

Table:- EmpInfo
EmployeeId  Projectid
1                          1
2                          2
3                          2
4                          2
5                          3
Now suppose we want to know about the number of employee belonging to each project then we can use the group by clause as given below:-
select Projectid , count(employeeid) as NumberOfEmployee  from  EmpInfo  Group by ProjectId
This query will give us the following result:-
ProjectId     NumberOfEmployee
1                    1
2                    3
3                    1
Having Clause :- Having clause is used in conjunction with the group clause by imposing a condition on the group by clause to further filter the records return by the group by clause.
Syntax for Having Clause:-
       Select column1, column2, column3, aggregate_function(expression )
       From TableName Where (condition)
       Group By Column1, column2, column3
       having aggregate_function(expression )  operator value
For example, suppose we want to know which project has more than 2 employee and the total no of their respective employees, we can use the following query
select Projectid , count(employeeid) as NumberOfEmployee  from  EmpInfo  Group by ProjectId having count(employeeid) >2

The query will give us the following result:-

 ProjectId  NumberOfEmployee
2                    3

In the above example, the Having clause further filter the result return by the Group By clause by imposing a condition that only those projectid will be shown who has more than 2 employee.


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