Declare @tablename table(col1 datatype, col2 datatype, col3 datatype……..coln datatype)
Suppose we want to declare a table variable named @tbl3, the we will use the following syntax:
Declare @employee table (id int identity(1,1), empFname nvarchar(100), empEname nvarchar(100), empdate datetime)
Also to insert data into the table variable , we can use the insert command similar to physical, and temporary tables
Insert into @employee ( empFname , empEname , empdate )
Values ( ‘Vivek’, ‘ Johari’, getdate())
Scope of the table variable is limited to the block of code in which it is defined or within the stored procedure in which it is defined. Unlike temporary tables (local or global) table variable it is not accessible in the procedures executed within the procedure in which it is defined. Like other variables, table variable is also created on the memory. Also since table variable is itself a variable, we doesn’t need to force it deletion through the use of Drop statement.
Example of using a table variable inside a stored procedure.
Create procedure test_tablvariable
Declare @employee table (id int identity(1,1), empFname nvarchar(100), empEname nvarchar(100), empdate datetime)
Insert into @employee ( empFname , empEname , empdate )
Values ( ‘Vivek’, ‘ Johari’, getdate())
select * from @employee
Unlike local and global temporary tables, we can’t apply transaction on the table variable.
Alter procedure test_tablvariable
begin tran
Declare @employee table (id int identity(1,1), empFname nvarchar(100), empEname nvarchar(100), empdate datetime)
Insert into @employee ( empFname , empEname , empdate )
Values ( ‘Vivek’, ‘ Johari’, getdate())
select * from @employee
The execution of the above store procedure will give the following result set in spite of the Rollback statement written above the select command.
Also unlike temporary tables and physical tables, we can’t add constraints on it. For example, if we try to add primary key on the table @employee, it will throw an error.
Alter Procedure test_tablvariable
Declare @employee table (id int identity(1,1), empFname nvarchar(100), empEname nvarchar(100), empdate datetime)
alter table @employee add constraint pk_temp primary key (id)
Insert into @employee ( empFname , empEname , empdate )
Values ( ‘Vivek’, ‘ Johari’, getdate())
select * from @employee
The execution of the above procedure will give the following error.
Similarly we also can’t define indexes on the table variable.
Table variable is good when we need to store less number of rows. But if the size of the data or number of rows keeps on increasing then storing the data into the table variable will not going to be a good idea. Since we can’t use temporary tables inside the SQL Functions, table variable can be very useful to store temporary data and return the data in the table format.
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Table variables can have constraints (primary keys, unique constraints, etc). You just can't use ALTER TABLE to add them later, instead you have to put them in the declaration.
Thanks Stephen for your comments. I will update my article……:-)
Table variables are not memory only, they're treated the same way as temp tables are with regards to memory or disk. That table variables are memory only is nothing more than a particularly persistent myth
Table variables can have primary keys and unique constraints, they just have to be created as part of the DECLARE statement.
Thanks Gail for your valuable comments… I will update my article…….:-)