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Readers Feedback

I have created that page to get the feedback from my blog readers regarding my posts on the blog. Through your comments on this page you can give me your valuable feedback which help me in improving the quality of my articles.
13 thought on “Readers Feedback”
  1. I was recently reading your articles and I really wish I had come here earlier but any way still it is better to be late than never. You provide an easy way to learn,understand and expose anything that is really good.

  2. Hi , I have been continuously following your blogs/articles.
    Your articles are always a gud help to increase my skills,moreover they are written in very easy to understand language.Keep it up.We certainly require more good articles from you.

  3. Hi Vivek,

    Your blog is so much helpful for beginners. Interview questions are good.Your articles are so simple to understand.
    Keep posting new articles.


  4. You have put in great effort to build up this site.

    You have kept all the posts simple and that is the best way.

    Wish you great success!

  5. ur blogs very useful for us
    better to put more articles with sql server 2012
    plz sir

  6. hello vivek its me prateek….

    thankx for ur useful article for sql… pls post ur knowledge of sql and pls post for advance SQL queries..


    Prateek Vashishth

  7. will u pls post article over pivot in sql…

    thankx in adv.

    Prateek Vashishth

  8. Hello Vivek,

    Your blog is so much helpful for SQL Developers.. Soo many Valuable Soluvation Articles are there. Superb Article!!!. We have to learn Soo many tricks form this Blog..Nice Blog Vivek. Thanks for this Blog Articles.. Thanks a lot ma.

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